
I took my first yoga class in 1993.  At the end of one class I was exhilarated and completely hooked.   I went on to explore the many flavors of yoga available in New York at the time.  As I practiced I became less reactive, more proactive, calmer and kinder.   In 1997, I landed at the Jivamukti Yoga School in New York, and in 1999 began the teacher training there.  I was among the first to receive Advanced Board Certification in Jivamukti yoga, a comprehensive and rigorous form of Yoga which incorporated aspects of many source teachings.  It became my yoga home where I studied taught students and mentored teachers for over ten years.  While there, I was immersed in the ancient texts of India and began intensive self-study.  Within those texts I discovered a wisdom and useful practicality that I’d found lacking in my graduate studies in psychology.  As I studied the ancient texts and applied the teachings and discipline, my body and mind began to work together.   Applying the  teachings of sound vibration and devotion from the texts deepened my feeling experience of my body.  The yoga postures became real for me in a new way. My yoga practice transformed from a “calm down tool” into a “heal deep and love” tool. 

In 2002 I began to study traditional healing modalities.  For the next decade I learned about the energetic pathways of the human body, the vibrational densities of muscles bones and organ systems and how to balance them with food, movement and bodywork.  I graduated from the practitioner program at the International School of Shiatsu, Food Breath and Sound at the Wise Earth School of Ayurveda, and Healing Foods at Heartwood Institute.

From 1999- 2012 I taught yoga to hundreds of people and worked with clients  all over New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and occasionally internationally.  In 2012 I moved to the Bay Area to resume my patent work.  In 2019 I felt called to teach again, with a revised understanding of the possibilities that these ancient techniques could open up for practitioners. As of 2024, my group teaching is on hiatus as I go deeper into my own practice and exploring how to communicate the essential experiences of classical yoga in effective ways. Approximately once a month I send out a news letter and post on the blog. These are designed to be learning resources for you, not marketing. If you’d like to give it try…please sign up for the newsletter below. 

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